Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hi people. I am currently a culinary student, and I am looking forward to blogging about my life both in and out of the kitchen. I plan on becoming an amazing pastry chef one day, and hope to travel around the world blessing people with my brilliant pastries. Not only will I be blogging about my life in school, but also my personal experiences with baking at home. I love trying new recipes and decorating amazing cupcakes. Hopefully this is somewhat interesting to all of you! I will try my hardest to be entertaining.

This past week was my friend Skyler's birthday, since I am in pastry school it is pretty much guaranteed that you will get a cake or cupcakes of some sort for your birthday. I have this book called Martha Stewart Cupcakes... most amazing cupcake book ever... Since I will hopefully make every fun creation in the book I showed it to her and let her pick whatever she wanted. She picked ice cream cone cupcakes.
These are the Martha Stewart version. They are so cute, you bake the cupcake straight into the cone. The tricky part was of course getting these cones to stand up in the oven. For the baking I bought aluminum cake pans, turned them over and cut holes into them. This was actually much more difficult than I thought it would be. They kept falling over and I burned myself twice while trying to get them to stand up straight. When i went to decorate them I covered a ceramic bowl in aluminum foil and put the cones into that, this was so much easier.

This is my finished project. The chocolate icing I had chilling over night so it was a little more solid, made for easy scooping. The vanilla icing I piped to look like soft serve. If I ever attempt these ice cream cone cupcakes again I think I will make them in waffle bowls, they will stand on their own and I think they would be super cute with little spoons and such.

Well I am off to work on my 800 word research paper on Key Lime Pie. Need to know anything about the history of Key Limes or anything else in Key Lime Pie, because I am now an expert. Tomorrow in class we are making foods from the Floribbean. Should be fun... Night folks

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