Friday, June 4, 2010

Its official... My life now revolves around cupcakes!

I just got a job as a baker in a cupcakery! Yes, I could not be more excited. I start bright and early tomorrow morning! And no worries, I will be posting pictures!

On top of that... As you all know I am in culinary school for baking and pastry, but there are a lot of others that are there fro culinary. So there is a competition every quarter called "Battle of the Blades" it is our schools version of Top Chef, but it is directed to the culinary side. In class the other day I was talking to my pastry chef about a cupcake competition, she told me to ask the dean about it. So I went to talk to him about it... His response "Do it," so I did. I went home and made flyers and hung them up around campus. So around Labor day my school will be having its first quarterly Cupcake Challenge! Woot!

This week we had a competition in class where our chef gave each group a picture of a gourmet cake, the group that made their cake look most like the picture won. The cake our group got was a Payard cake, it was pistachio meringue, pistachio mousse and vanilla spongecake. The trick about making this cake was the shape of it. So one of the guys in our group made a mold for us to assemble the cake in. Our hard work payed off because we won.

This is the picture we were given This is the one we made

I think we did pretty good!

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